Diplomatseminar i København om BRIKS/Verdenslandbroen en succes

København, 30. jan. 2015 – Helga Zepp-LaRouche var taler ved et seminar for diplomater, der blev afholdt i Det russiske Kulturcenter i København i dag, med titlen, »Økonomisk udvikling og samarbejde mellem nationer, eller økonomisk kollaps, krig og terror? Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen«.

In the ever-expanding world of weight loss supplements, LivPure has gained significant attention. Promoted as a revolutionary product for shedding pounds effortlessly, LivPure has sparked curiosity among those seeking effective weight management solutions. However, the flood of LivPure reviews and claims has raised suspicions about the authenticity and safety of this supplement. In this article, we will dissect LivPure’s reputation, examining both the hype and skepticism, while striving to provide clarity on whether LivPure is a safe and reliable choice for weight loss.

The LivPure Hype

LivPure’s rise to fame can be attributed to its marketing campaigns and the enthusiastic testimonials of its users. It boasts a natural formula that supposedly accelerates weight loss by enhancing metabolism and suppressing appetite. The promise of shedding excess fat without resorting to strenuous workouts and restrictive diets is certainly alluring, making LivPure a go-to option for many individuals struggling with weight issues.

Fake Reviews and Unsubstantiated Claims

However, not everything that glitters is gold, and this applies to LivPure as well. A closer look at LivPure’s online presence reveals an alarming number of fake reviews and over-the-top testimonials. Numerous websites and social media accounts are saturated with glowing LivPure reviews that often lack authenticity and credibility. These reviews usually read like marketing scripts rather than genuine user experiences, raising suspicions about the legitimacy of the claims.

Consumer Reports Investigation

Consumer Reports, a renowned source for unbiased product evaluations, recently initiated an investigation into LivPure’s claims and effectiveness. Their comprehensive analysis sought to separate fact from fiction by conducting rigorous tests and surveys among LivPure users.

The results of the Consumer Reports investigation are eye-opening. While LivPure did show some potential benefits for weight loss, these benefits were far from the miraculous transformations depicted in the fake reviews. LivPure was found to have a mild effect on metabolism and appetite suppression, which, when combined with a healthy lifestyle, could aid in weight loss.

However, Consumer Reports also emphasized that LivPure is not a magic pill for instant weight loss. To achieve meaningful results, users must incorporate LivPure into a broader regimen of proper diet and exercise. This is a critical point to note, as the hype surrounding LivPure often portrays it as a stand-alone solution.

Safety Concerns

Another aspect that cannot be overlooked is the safety of LivPure. Many weight loss supplements on the market have been associated with adverse side effects, some of which can be severe. LivPure, in its marketing materials, claims to be safe due to its natural ingredients. However, it’s essential to remember that “natural” does not necessarily equate to “safe” or “effective.”

Consumer Reports found no major safety concerns with LivPure when used as directed. However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplement to your daily routine, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.


The LivPure weight loss supplement has garnered significant attention due to its marketing hype and enthusiastic reviews. However, as the Consumer Reports investigation has revealed, the reality falls short of the extravagant claims made by many promoters. LivPure does have some potential benefits for weight management when used alongside a healthy lifestyle, but it is not a miraculous solution for shedding pounds effortlessly.

Moreover, the prevalence of fake reviews and unsubstantiated claims raises concerns about the transparency and credibility of the LivPure marketing campaign. In the world of weight loss supplements, skepticism is healthy, and it is crucial to approach such products with caution.

In conclusion, if you are considering LivPure or any similar weight loss supplement, it is essential to maintain realistic expectations, seek guidance from healthcare professionals, and rely on reputable sources of information like Consumer Reports to make informed decisions about your weight loss journey. Remember that there are no shortcuts to achieving a healthy weight; it requires dedication, consistency, and a balanced approach to diet and exercise.

Efter fr. LaRouches kraftfulde tale, talte repræsentanter fra tre af ambassaderne fra BRIKS-nationerne – Rusland, Kina og Sydafrika. Desuden stillede repræsentanten for Brasilien et spørgsmål under den efterfølgende diskussion.

Videoerne og lydfilerne af fr. LaRouches tale, og den tale, som hr. Machiel Renier van Niekerk, repræsentanten fra Sydafrikas ambassade i Danmark, holdt, kan høres på http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=4818

I seminaret deltog repræsentanter fra 14 ambassader fra Europa, Asien, Afrika og Sydamerika, sammen med nogle danske erhvervsfolk og Schiller Instituttets aktivister.

Fr. LaRouche indledte sin tale med udviklingen i Grækenland, og hvordan landet kan blive et forbindelsesled mellem Europa og BRIKS. Hun talte om, hvor tæt vi er på en total nedsmeltning af finanssystemet, hvor tæt vi er på en atomkrig, og hvad forbindelsen mellem de to er. Hun understregede, at den fare, der repræsenteres af skiftet i USA’s strategi for atomkrig, til en førsteangrebsdoktrin, sammen med afbrydelsen af kommunikationen mellem USA og Rusland, der rent faktisk var intakt under den cubanske missilkrise, betyder, at vi er tættere på atomkrig i dag, end nogen sinde før. Ja, der er et alternativ: Hvis vi får Europa og USA til at acceptere Xi Jinpings tilbud om at gå med i deres økonomiske alliance for udvikling.
Fr. LaRouche fremlagde det momentum, der er for BRIKS’ økonomiske udvikling, og det perspektiv, der er skitseret i den nye EIR-rapport »Den Nye Silkevej er blevet til Verdenslandbroen«, som hendes mand Lyndon LaRouche og hun selv, så vel som Schiller Instituttet, har kæmpet for i årtier.

Hun appellerede til deltagerne om at sætte dette alternativ på verdensdagsordenen ved at cirkulere idéerne i vores nye rapport gennem at arrangere interviews, kommentarer, kontakte folk fra erhvervslivet, der ville få gavn af Verdenslandbroen, cirkulere vores resolution og generelt ved at arbejde sammen med os i fremtiden.

Kontakt venligst EIR og Schiller Instituttet for at få rapporten »Den Nye Silkeveje er blevet til Verdenslandbroen« og brochuren »Hvorfor USA og Europa må gå med i BRIKS – En ny, international orden for menneskeheden« og andet materiale, og for deltagelse i fremtidige møder.