nov 19 2013

nov 18 2013
Her kan du sætte dit kryds: SIVE i Midtjyske Medier
Midtjyske Medier – som udgøres af Århus stiftstidende, Randers Amtsavis, Viborg Stifts Folkeblad, Dagbladet Holstebro-Struer, Folkebladet Lemvig og Dagbladet Ringkøbing Skjern – har en oversigt over partierne og deres vigtigste mærkesager op til valget.
Præsentationen af Schiller Instituttets Venner der var i aviserne lørdag d. 16 november er her gengivet:
Schiller Instituttets Venner
Nuværende pladser i regionsrådet: Ingen
Partiets listebogstav: L
Spidskandidat: Hans Schultz
Antal kandidater på valg: 2
»Vi vil kæmpe for at få en Glass-Steagall bankopdeling, så vi ikke betaler til finansielt giftaffald (derivater). Dertil et kreditsystem så vi kan få investeringer og et opsving. Investeringer i infrastruktur, som Kattegatbro, magnettogsnet, atomkraft og videre fusionskraft.«
»Vi vil kæmpe imod EU-fascismen som bl.a. bankunionen, der vil socialisere at befolkningerne betaler investeringsbankernes tab. Videre EU’s undergravning af arbejdsmarkedsvilkårene der fører til løndumpning.«
Se mere om partiet og kandidaterne her:

nov 18 2013
Gode grunde til at stemme på Tom Gillesberg
Fra radiostation 24/syv den 15. november 2013. Diskussion mellem radiovært Michael Jeppesen og Ole Bjerre fra CBS, Copenhagen Business School.

nov 16 2013
Tom Gillesberg på Universitetsradioen i København
Tom Gillesberg var interviewet af Universitetsradioen to gange i denne uge up til valget.
Vi har ikke fået lydoptagelserne endnu.

nov 16 2013
Tom Gillesberg på 24/syv den 16. november
Tom Gillesberg var på den landsdækkende radio fra kl. 08:05 til 08:25 for at diskutere SIVEs valgkampagner, plakater og mærkesager. More

nov 15 2013
Radio 24syv: Stem på Tom Gillesberg! (interview)
Tom Gillesberg interviewet af “Forfra med Jeppesen (2)”, 15. november 2013 More

nov 14 2013
SIVE kandidat Janus Kramer dækket i JP-Aarhus

nov 13 2013
Janus dækket på nettet.
Der er mange der er blevet alt for vante med at diskutere småting ifb. kommunalpolitik. Jeg diskuterer her emnet med en journalist fra TV2:

nov 12 2013
Tom Gillesberg på Radio24syv
Tom Gillesberg blev interviewet på radio24syv om Schiller Instituttets Venners Glass-Steagall og Bankunionen
nov 13 2013
Informations interview med Tom Gillesberg den 13. november
Information har en to-sider interview med Tom Gillesberg, SIVEs spidskandidat i København.
Læs online-version på »
Gem PDF: Interview med Tom Gillesberg i Information
There is an English resumé below.
English resumé:
Major press coverage of Tom Gillesbergs Danish election campaign
COPENHAGEN, Nov. 13, 2013 (EIRNS) – Today’s left-wing intellectual newspaper, Information, has a wonderful two-page interview with Copenhagen mayoral candidate Tom Gillesberg entitled, “We are not just a group of maglev enthusiasts.”
Kicker: Tom Gillesberg predicted the financial crisis on his elections posters several times. Now, he is running in the municipal elections with a message that the banking union is ‘EU-fascism,’ which will take our money and our lives. But what does that have to do with municipal politics, and what, really, is the red thread in the messages on the poster?
There is a large picture of Tom in front of our organizing table, and a box with a very fine description of The Schiller Institute, linked to Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Lyndon LaRouche’s ideas.
The author, Kenneth Praefke, calls Tom’s posters “more prophetic than political,” recalling his posters from 2005, 2007 and 2011. “The bubble burst, the housing prices fell, we got a financial crash, though a maglev across the Kattegat hasn’t been built, but Glass-Steagall is being discussed in serious economic circles.” Tom’s posters are “iconic with their complex messages. Also this year: ‘Glass-Steagall – not EU-fascism,’’Fusion-yes, thanks,’’The Bank union will take your money and your life….’”He was right about the financial crash coming. So, should we be worried, when he now predicts that the bank union will take our life?”
The rest of the two pages contains a totally straight interview with Tom about the following subjects: if he calls himself a politician (comparing the Greek definition, to that of poets as the best lawgivers); why an even bigger crash is yet to come; his solutions (the 3-point program); our international standpoint; the murderous effects of cutbacks in, for example, hospital care, and the current conditions in southern Europe; how the banking union will take lives; what this has to do with municipal politics (if elected, it would be a political atom bomb, which would give him a mandate to oppose austerity); if people understand your posters (they make some voters curious to find out what they mean); the importance of economy for our lives and critique of the cost-cutters in the Finance Ministry and the speculators.
The conclusion is subtitled, “Give the future a voice,” If we hadn’t faced the current economic crisis, and the associated dangers, our campaign could have been called, “Give the future a voice,’” where Tom describes our campaign for teaching every child how to sing and play an instrument. “Because the greatest crisis we have, in reality, is an intellectual/spiritual (Danish: åndelige, like the German geist) crisis,” He, at one point, could have giving every child the chance to play an instrument, as the main focus of his campaign, “but it doesn’t make sense now, if you are on the way to lose everything.” [mr_]