maj 31 2015

maj 31 2015
Deadline på DR2 fremhæver Tom Gillesbergs valgplakat, den 30. maj 2015
Se indslaget som kom sidst på Deadlines 22.30 program.
English translation:
Land-Bridge Election Poster
COPENHAGEN, May 31 (EIRNS)–Last night, Danish DR2 national TV
main news discussion program Deadline closed its broadcast
Chairman Tom Gillesberg’s election poster. The host introduced
the poster by referring to its headline, “Win-Win with BRICS: Not
Collapse and War,” and saying it was colorful and had “winding
lines” (i.e., the World Land-Bridge routes), all the while with a
full screen display of the poster, followed by a voice-over with
Gillesberg explaining:
“I am running to try to get Denmark, the rest of Europe, and
the U.S. to establish win-win cooperation with the BRICS
countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, for
economic development. We are facing a collapse that is worse than
2007-08, which could already be triggered on June 5 by Greece
[the deadline for Greece’s IMF payment]. I warned about it at
that time, and I was right, and now it is even worse. We can no
longer sacrifice the population’s welfare for the financial
world’s speculative orgy. We cannot accept confrontation with
Russia and China which could lead to nuclear war. Instead, we
need a win-win policy for development. That has to be discussed.
That’s why I have it on the poster.
“The lines on the world map are infrastructure corridors.
China is already building some of them in connection with the
policy they call the New Silk Road. If Europe and Asia and other
parts of the world are connected through them, we would have
economic development, which is a win-win policy for all. This has
to be put on the agenda. If I am not elected, this has to be
discussed as soon as possible, otherwise, we have no future.”
The host then concluded the broadcast, “Now illuminated, and
maybe inspired, we thank you for watching tonight.”
Altogether there are four Friends of the Schiller Institute
members running as independents for Parliament, each using the
same poster, but with their photo portraits.

maj 30 2015
P1 Orientering interviewer Tom Gillesberg,
den 29. maj 2015!/
Start på minuttal 1 time 45 min. (sidste indslag)
English translation:
Independent Schiller Candidate Gillesberg Interviewed on Danish
National Radio
COPENHAGEN, May 30 (EIRNS) — Today, Schiller Institute in
Denmark chairman Tom Gillesberg, who is an independent candidate
for Parliament, was interviewed by the leading Danish Radio P1 news
analysis program, “Orientation.” A three-minute section of the
interview was broadcast, in a story about two independent
First, Gillesberg describes the Schiller Institute as
campaigning for a new, just world economic order. Then there is a
little bit about Tom Gillesberg, including him stressing that the
important thing is what you do that can continue to live after
you die. The interviewer then describes our election poster,
which gained instant fame within 24 hours of being posted on
walls and our websites: “Win-Win with BRICS: Not Collapse and
War,” and names the five BRICS countries.
Gillesberg raises three major issues, rooted in the Schiller
Institute. He explains that while everyone is saying that the
economy is “on course” now, we are faced with the biggest
financial collapse, worse than in 2007-08. For example, if Greece
can’t pay its debt to the IMF on June 5, that could cause the
dominoes to fall. How can Denmark avoid a bank crash that could
destroy the nation? With Glass-Steagall bank separation, which he
explains. Next is national bank credit system, which can issue
credit for public investments which benefits the Danish economy
— projects like a Kattegat Bridge and a national maglev rail
system. We should work with Eastern Europe and Russia to build up
the economy.
Two new major media interviews are in the works, as a
momentum is building up, right from the starting blocks.
Tom Gillesberg and campaign workers were out on the streets
today at the Copenhagen train station with the greatest
population density in the country, speaking to voters and
distributing a press release about the main issues of the
campaign. The other candidates are continuing to put up their
posters. (MR_)

maj 30 2015
Schiller Instituttets Venner:
Pressemeddelelse den 30. maj 2015 kl. 14.00
Tom Gillesberg, formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark, stiller op til Folketinget som kandidat uden for partierne i Københavns Storkreds. Hans farverige valgplakat med sloganet “Win-win med BRIKS – ikke kollaps og krig” præger allerede bybilledet og er blevet et varmt diskussionsemne. Den er blevet valgt af såvel Jyllands-Posten som TV2 som en af de henholdsvis elleve og fem mest opsigtvækkende plakater.
Tom Gillesberg betoner, at Danmark står ved en afgørende skillevej: Vi skal, sammen med resten af Europa og USA, vælge, om vi vil have økonomisk kollaps og krig – eller i stedet et samarbejde med BRIKS-landene (Brasilien, Rusland, Indien, Kina og Sydafrika) om økonomisk udvikling. Så kan vi etablere den nye retfærdige økonomiske verdensorden, jeg sammen med Schiller Instituttet og den amerikanske statsmand Lyndon LaRouche har kæmpet for gennem mange årtier.
På trods af, at de vestlige regeringer siden 2008 har støttet finansverdenen på bekostning af befolkningen, så er problemerne ikke løst. Vi står over for et snarligt sammenbrud af det transatlantiske finanssystem langt værre end det, vi så i 2007-2008 (som jeg som bekendt forudså i valkampen i 2007) – muligvis allerede den 5. juni, hvis Grækenland ikke kan betale sit afdrag til Den internationale Valutafond. Dette kan være den begivenhed, der får bægeret til at flyde over og trækker tæppet væk under euroen – med en kædereaktion af bank- og statsgældskriser til følge, der vil få verdens derivatmarked, og dermed finanssystemet, til at kollapse.
Samtidigt presser London og Obama på for en direkte konfrontation med Rusland og Kina, der hurtigt kan eskalere til storkrig – og dermed atomkrig.
Alternativet til dette er et win-win-samarbejde med BRIKS-landene og den størstedel af verdens nationer, som allerede er i gang med at samarbejde med dette nye lederskab. Kinas initiativ for bygningen af en Ny Silkevej mellem Kina, Europa og Afrika er allerede ved at blive realiseret gennem en lang række infrastrukturprojekter, som Kina bruger dele af sin 3.000 mia. dollars store valutareserve til at finansiere. Dette inkluderer etableringen af en Silkevejsfond på 40 mia. dollars, en Maritim Silkevejsfond, Den Asiatiske Infrastruktur-Investeringsfond (AIIB), hvor Danmark har meldt sig som grundlæggende medlem, og et hav at bilaterale investeringsaftaler, som det netop sås ved den kinesiske statsministers besøg i Sydamerika.
Dette er en win-win-politik for alle nationer og folkeslag, som Danmark skal være en del af.
Tom Gillesberg er tilgængelig for interviews.
Udover Tom Gillesberg stiller andre aktivister fra Schiller Instituttets Venner op:
Christian Olesen i Københavns Omegns Storkreds
Poul Gundersen i Østjyllands Storkreds
Hans Schultz i Nordjyllands Storkreds
Schiller Instituttets Venner:
Schiller Instituttet i Danmark:
Jyllands-Posten: Ahva? Se valgkampens mest overraskende valgplakater
TV2: Ekspertens top fem over valgplakater: Se hvilke han dømmer ude
Titelbillede fra Jyllands-Postens artikel om valgplakater.

maj 27 2015
Politisk orientering med Tom Gillesberg lige inden valget blev udskrevet
RADIO SCHILLER den 26. maj 2015: Hvorfor vi stiller op til valg — Finansboble og euro systemet på vej ned; BRIKS systemet på vej op
POLITISK ORIENTERING den 21. maj 2015: Den nye strategiske BRIKS-baserede verdensorden, video og audio
RADIO SCHILLER den 18 maj 2015 – BRIKS alliancen konsolideres og udbygges
RADIO SCHILLER den 12. maj 2015: 70-års sejrsparade i Moskva viser den nye verdensorden

nov 22 2013
Verden efter valget: Schiller Instituttets nyhedsorientering med formand Tom Gillesberg
Schiller Instituttets nyhedsorientering den 21. november 2013 med formand Tom Gillesberg. More
jun 1 2015
Politisk oriengering den 1. juni 2015
med kandidat Tom Gillesberg:
Valget i Danmark og USA; nyt om
den Nye Silkevej