okt 25 2013
Easy Ways To Prevent Termites From Spreading In Your Home
Have you ever come home to find small piles of wood dust accumulated under your sofa? This is surely a cause of termite infestation. Once they invade your home and start feeding on the foundation of your house or your expensive furniture it becomes really difficult to get rid of them, especially because of their minuscule size. Carrying out frequent inspections in your house to check for the presence of termites and other pests can save you from a lot of trouble.
One of the main reasons why termites are tough to deal with is that they cannot be detected until they have done considerable damage and have set up large colonies. Since thousands of termites live together in these colonies, this makes it really hard to get rid of them without professional help. If you have detected the presence of termites in your home, then you need to take a few termite prevention measures immediately. Check out the latest fuze bug reviews.
Here is a list of things you can do to prevent termites from spreading and ensure that the treatment is successful:
1. Get Rid of Moisture: Moisture is one of the main reasons that attract all kinds of pests including termites into your home. Getting rid of excess moisture in your home will help in keeping termites at bay. If you live in a humid environment, investing in a dehumidifier can help. In summers, you can switch on the air conditioner periodically during the day to maintain a cool temperature in the house and remove excess moisture from the air indoors.
2. Fix Leaks: Pay attention to any leaks or decay in your house. Decayed roofs and moisture-laden walls work as perfect hosts for termites. Fix and seal the leakages promptly and carry out frequent inspections especially in basements or dingy corners of your house. These spots usually get overlooked and are the first ones to attract pests. A leakage in the basement can be especially inviting since it is closer to the ground and makes it easier for termites to attack the spot.
3. Declutter Your House: Whether you have hired professionals for a termite or bed bug treatment, it is important to carry out a decluttering drive in your house. Pay special attention to useless papers, cardboards, old magazines and newspapers since these provide a great environment for pests like termites to thrive. If one of your rooms has been attacked by termites, make sure to never take the stuff including furniture stored in that room to other parts of your house that are not affected by the termites.
4. Maintain a Distance Between Soil and Wood: If you have a garden, ensure that there is some distance between the soil and wood. Most experts believe that at least an eighteen-inch distance is important. This will help discourage any attack from termites on the foundation of your home and the furniture. You can use stones or cement to separate soil from the wooden area especially in your patios, gardens, etc. to create a physical barrier for termites.
5. Use Borate on Wood Before Priming or Painting: Borate is one of the most popular termite repellents. You can spray borate on wood prior to priming and painting. It soaks into the wood and essentially prevents termites from attacking and nibbling on it. Once this termite spray has dried, you can prime and paint it normally and use it to make window frames, doors, furniture, etc. This borate spray is strong enough to repel termites for decades.
okt 25 2013
Aarhus-København 25 minutter: Magnettog over Kattegat
Fra Schiller Instituttets kampagneavis 16, af Tom Gillesberg
Bygningen af en Kattegatbro, der drastisk ville reducere rejsetiden mellem Danmarks to største byer, burde være en absolut prioritet i den danske infrastrukturdiskussion. Etablerer man samtidigt et dansk magnettognet, ville man kunne reducere rejsetiden mellem Aarhus og København til 25 minutter, og ligeledes forkorte den nødvendige rejsetid mellem resten af de danske byer. Teknologien er allerede tilgængelig og fragter hver dag titusinder af rejsende mellem Shanghai og Shanghai lufthavn. Det vil være den danske del af Verdenslandbroen, som ses øverst på siden.
En reduktion af rejsetiden til under en halv time mellem Danmarks to største universitets- og forskermiljøer vil have stor betydning for uddannelserne, forskningen og de danske virksomheder. Samtidig kan man med en udbygning af magnettognettet sikre, at resten af Danmark pludselig ikke har en længere rejsetid til København, end den mange københavnske pendlere oplever i dag. Det danske magnettognet kommer til at fungere som en national udgave af Københavns metro, og hele Danmark bliver et langt tættere forbundet økonomisk væv.
Denne fortætning af den danske økonomi vil, som man så det efter åbningen af Storebæltsbroen, betyde en gevinst for alle dele af økonomien. Den gevinst kan gøres langt større, hvis vi lader staten finansiere bygningen af magnettognettet og begrænser billetpriserne til at dække brugen og vedligeholdet af magnettognet. Så vil magnettog være særdeles konkurrencedygtige overfor privatbilisme og man vil kunne flytte godstrafik fra landevejene over på magnettognettet.
Lad os bygge infrastruktur for fremtiden, i stedet for regeringens forslag om en udbygning af det nuværende jernbanenet, der vil være forældet, inden det er færdigbygget.