maj 30 2019

maj 29 2019
Pick the right luxury watch
Choosing the right luxury watch for yourself can be challenging if you do not know which luxury watch would be the best fit for you. I was reading an article at Esquire which is talking about “What to Look Out For When Buying a Luxury Watch” and I thought I would share my point of view for people when they are trying to get the watch they believe is the right fit for them.
When picking the right luxury watch, you should narrow the search by Watch Brand, Watch Movement, Case Size, Material, Features /Complication, as well as the budget.
Pick the right luxury watch
Watch Brand
There are many Watch brands, but not every watch brand provides the same quality. One of the most known watches manufactures are in Switzerland, and you should focus on those watch brands. You are probably aware of Rolex, OMEGA, Cartier, Breitling, and other great watches made in Switzerland.
When choosing the right watch brand, you should focus on the type of watch you would like to wear. If you are the person who wants to wear only dress watches, maybe Patek Phillipe or Cartier is the right choice for you.
If you are looking for a watch which is more vertical, Rolex or OMEGA might be the right choice.
The key to choosing the right watch brand is to know what kind of activity you are planning to do with the watch. You do not want to buy Patek Phillipe on the crocodile strap and go for a swim, but I assume that you do have a common sense.
I do have more than one watch brand because each watch I do have is for a different activity.
Watch Movement
There are different watch movements which do help to run the intricate movements. You could get Quartz, Hand-Wound, or Automatic (self-wind). Each watch movement has its benefits and you should weight it against the cons.
• Quartz watch movement has a small battery which does send the energy to keep the movement moving. Watches with Quartz movements are more accurate than mechanical movements and easy to maintain.
• Hand-Wound is the first original movement. There are many watches which do have this movement; however, due to its nature to wind the watch on manually, they become less popular movements; however, there are still people who prefer the manual wind especially with the Omega Speedmaster Pro Moon watches.
• The Automatic movement became the most popular because it’s straightforward to keep the watch running. The rotor which runs the movement creates the energy by just wearing the watch. Check this rolex super clone.
Well know watches with Quartz movements
- OMEGA Speedmaster Skywalker X-33
- Breitling Exospace B55
- Grand Seiko SBGV009
Well know watches with Hand-Wound Movements
- Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch (not all models)
- Panerai Luminor Marina (not all models)
- Patek Philippe Calatrava (not all models)
Well know watches with Automatic Movements
- Rolex Submariner
- Audemars Piquet Royal Oak Offshore Diver
- Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean
When choosing the right movement, you should know all the pros and cons; that way, you will be able to enjoy the watch entirely without being surprised about the way the watch is powered as well as the cost of fixing the watch.
Case Size
If you ever experience different watch case size, you know that not each size fits you perfectly. To pick the right watch which does fits your wrist comfortably needs some testing.
You should feel the watch on your wrist at least one time to know if the case size is the right one. I do enjoy 42mm. Many Rolex fans, do like 40mm because that the most commons size for Submariners.
I would suggest going to an Authorized dealer for the watch you are looking to get and feel the timepiece on your wrist.
Sometimes the case size might be the right one; however, the case thickness might not be the right fit. Some timepieces, especially with the manual wind, do have the advantage of having the cases very thin due to its way of the movements are made.

maj 25 2019
Tom Gillesberg blev interviewet på TV2’s Go’ Morgen Danmark sammen med to andre løsgængere, den 25. maj 2019, 11 min.
Arkivet findes på TV2 Play, Go’ Morgen Danmark den 25. maj 2019, “Løsgægnere kæmper for plads i Folketinget”. Indslaget begynder på 3.38 minutter.
Der kommer en kopi af video senere. I mellemtiden, her er uddrag af programmet med Tom Gillesbergs kommentarer som en lydfil. Den anden løsgænger man hører lidt af, er John Jørgensen:

maj 24 2019
Hans Schultz’ valgudtalelse
Kære medborgere!
Siden nedtagningen af Franklin Roosevelts Bretton Woods-system i begyndelsen af 70’erne, har vi i stigende grad set en magtoverdragelse fra staten til de private megabanker.
Det første var valutaspekulation, hvor megabanker kunne nedbryde stater ved at angribe deres valutaer, som George Soros er blevet famøs på, men det er siden blevet til hvad vi i dag kan kalde spekulationssamfundet. Intet er sikkert mere på længere sigt, dog kun at megabankernes dominans er sikret. Her hjemme har vi udpeget fire store banker, som er for store til at fejle.
Siden Warsawapagt-systemets fald i ‘89, er Europa gået fra at være et strategisk-økonomisk samarbejde til at være megabankernes projekt. Ved at overdrage medlemslandenes suverænitet til en central bureaukratisk enhed, falder ingen ud af geled, og med Mario Draghi (tidl. Goldman Sachs) i spidsen for den Europæiske Centralbank og centralbanksystemets cementering gennem EU-traktater samt bankunion, er megabankernes dominans cementeret. Som man rigtigt nok siger i casinobranchen – ”huset vinder altid”.
Hvad er så megabankernes økonomiske medicin ovenpå det finanskrak i 2007, som de selv iscenesatte? Jo selvfølgelig… mere af det sædvanlige, privatiseringer og nedskæringer/effektivisering. Senest klarest illustreret ved en masse effektivitetskrav, der rammer bl.a. det offentlige sundhedssystem, angreb på læger og lærere, nyttejobs og den famøse privatisering af det statslige energiselskab, Dong, til Goldman Sachs.
Hvad vil så være det næste? Jo – mere af det samme, selvfølgelig… men værre, for nu har man fået italesat de næste nedskæringer. Først kom den grønne omstilling som bankerne og staten har finansieret, men nu skal 2. fase af den grønne økonomi for alvor i gang, i form af grønne nedskæringer/afgifter. City of London’s megabanker og karteller har længe ført an med det hovedsageligt private CO2 kvote marked, og Verdens Natur Fonden (WWF) med deres fodtropper Greenpeace har kørt propagandasiden. Snart skal vi alle have gule veste på.
Men nu står vi foran ”valget”. Hvordan får vi vendt den skæbnesvangre afvikling, som vi er på vej imod?
Jo – vi starter med at opdele bankerne!
Godt valg!
Hans Schultz, kandidat uden for partierne i Østjyllands storkreds

maj 22 2019
Del bankerne med lovens skarpe sværd: Vælg 5. juni Hans Fred’rik Brobjerg!
Med skattesvindel-fup og hvidvask-sag,
udbytteskattesnyd – og mere til –
står det nu klart som sommer’ns lyse dag;
vort banksystem er et kasinospil.
Men guld for guldets skyld er nytteløst.
Vort banksystem skal tjene folkets vel;
skal danne grundlag for en gylden høst
og ikke skumme fløden til sig selv.
Del bankerne med lovens skarpe sværd:
Vælg 5. juni Hans Fred’rik Brobjerg!

maj 22 2019
P3’s Toft og Co. taler om Tom Gillesbergs kampagne den 21. maj 2019. 4 min.
Med en blanding af beundring og et smil diskuterer Julie Toft og Issa Jeppesen alt fra Toms beslutning om at blive politisk aktivt som 18-årig, til Toms program, inkl. at Danmark skal tilslutte sig Den Nye Silkevej, Toms 2005 og 2007 advarsler om et finanskrak og hvad der skal gøres bagefter, til kravet om bankopdeling, og Toms fremtidsvision om at hente helium-3 fra Månen til fusionskraft på Jorden.
Klik her for at gå direkte til P3’s indslag om Tom Gillesberg (Det begynder 1:45:30)
jun 3 2019
Why Corporate Events Are Important For Your Business
There inevitably comes a time when every week in the office starts to feel the same, day in and day out. After all, we are only human. That’s why it’s important to change things up every so often, get out of the office and do something fun. And yes, that means non-work related! Planning a corporate event for your employees is a great way to give them some time outside of the office with the people they work with every day. Visit for more information.
Choosing the right venue is an integral part of any event. Our venue at Oakridge Golf Club offers complete flexibility.
What is a Corporate Event?
A corporate event is an occasion organised by a business for its employees. It can be anything, so long as it results in a positive impact on your work environment. Some of the most common events include evening drinks, lunchtime meals, indoor games, icebreakers, or outdoor activities where everyone can get involved.
After all, the purpose of a corporate event is to accommodate your employees. So let’s get into the reasons why you should organise events and the benefits of doing so.
Validate Your Employees
Hosting corporate events makes your employees feel valued and recognised. It is important to realise that most employees don’t simply want a salary; they want to be a part of a community and feel respected by their employers. Showing respect will make them happier and more confident, increasing their performance and willingness to work.
Building Relationships
The importance of team building is often overlooked, but it’s a critical aspect for all businesses. Employees benefit massively by interacting and building relationships with each other. Corporate events are a great way to encourage this interaction and to help grow a community within the workplace. Team-building activities outside of work also contribute to increasing communication in group work and tasks inside the business.
Breaking Up The Year
At some point, we all need a break, a time to recharge our batteries for the next few months to come. One function of corporate events is to give your employees a break from the everyday workload that they’re striving to keep up with. It’s also a great way to physically break up the year so that employees and business owners can reflect and head into the next quarter with a fresh, productive mindset.
Celebrating Success
Corporate events are a great way to celebrate success and milestones within the business. Doing so will reassure your employees that they played a part in that success and further reinforce their confidence in the business. Your employees will be inspired to aim for milestones in the future, knowing that it’s appreciated.
Company Morale
There is nothing worse than low morale in the workplace. Doing the same tasks day after day gets tedious, and tensions can start to run high. Often if people are having a bad week or month, it’s hard to get out of the loop. Planning a corporate event goes a long way in boosting the spirit of your employees, breaking the loop, and adopting a new perspective on work.