nov 16 2013
Tom Gillesberg på Universitetsradioen i København
Tom Gillesberg var interviewet af Universitetsradioen to gange i denne uge up til valget.
Vi har ikke fået lydoptagelserne endnu.
nov 16 2013
Tom Gillesberg var interviewet af Universitetsradioen to gange i denne uge up til valget.
Vi har ikke fået lydoptagelserne endnu.
nov 16 2013
Tom Gillesberg var på den landsdækkende radio fra kl. 08:05 til 08:25 for at diskutere SIVEs valgkampagner, plakater og mærkesager. More
nov 15 2013
Tom Gillesberg interviewet af “Forfra med Jeppesen (2)”, 15. november 2013 More
nov 14 2013
nov 14 2013
Nørreport st., København den 9. november 2013
nov 13 2013
Lørdag d. 9. november var SIVE kandidat Janus Kramer på gaden med et suppekøkken for at tilbyde finanskrisesuppe til de (snart) værdigt trængende århusianere, såfremt Glass-Steagall ikke bliver genindført.
Der var mange gode reaktioner og Janus Kramer talte med en del borgere, der fik en kort briefing og en avis med suppen. Folk der blot gik forbi fik alle tilbudt finanskrisesuppen og rigtigt mange reagerede positivt selvom de ikke tog noget med.
By popular demand, vil vi afsløre opskriften, så folk selv kan lave suppen og dele den ud i deres nærområde. Husk at bestil aviser til at give folk med på vejen:
Angelo’s tomatsuppe:
2 ds. flåede tomater fint blendet
4 dl. vand
2 bouillonterninger (grøntsags)
5 fed hvidløg (knust)
3 laurbærblade
1/4 ltr. fløde
1 spsk. oregano
Kog alt undtagen fløde og oregano i en gryde i 15-20 min.
tilsæt fløde og oregano og lad det simre i 5-10 min.
Server med en af Schiller Instituttets aviser og en kort briefing om verdens tilstand og hvad vi kan gøre ved det.
nov 13 2013
Der er mange der er blevet alt for vante med at diskutere småting ifb. kommunalpolitik. Jeg diskuterer her emnet med en journalist fra TV2:
nov 13 2013
Helga is an author, wellness coach and a business consultant who I absolutely adore and admire. When I first started studying nutrition, I came across her instagram and instantly felt a connecting. Little did I know that years later we would become friends! I am so excited to have her share some valuable information with all of you guys today, these are just some of one and done workout healthy benefits.
London (and currently Bali)
Author, wellness coach, and business consultant.
I went through two eating disorders and through healing myself, I realized I had a deep passion to help others escape feeling fearful of food. The more I started changing lives (one person at a time), the bigger the desire became to do this on a mass scale.
I started when I was 16 in Colorado then at 18 moved to LA to pursue it. At 20 I went to Shanghai and following that lived in Sydney, Seoul, Bangkok, Athens, London, and NYC. What I loved about it was the travel, working with creative teams of people who all get to share their talents, and getting to transform myself through clothes and makeup. I left when I was 24 and created The 5-Day Detox ebook along with my company.
It’s all about being connected to yourself, to others and to our planet. The more I listen to my body, the more I feel that I understand others emotional states. It’s about being grateful for all things, even the hard moments, and to know that there are lessons in everything we are meant to learn.
Balance in all things. Don’t go too far in any one direction… eat salads and enjoy wine, this will prevent binging and restricting. Read more about biofit probiotic.
I tend to fast until 11 or 12pm then eat a huge lunch of mainly plant based foods. I tend to not snack unless I’m quite active and walking a city in which case I’ll have fruit, nuts, or bliss balls I make. Then dinner can be anything from pasta, to pizza, some local dish, or a stir fry at home with wine.
Both lunch and dinner! I love lunch because I go for very colorful foods which always nourish me and make my body feel energetic, then dinner I love having wine, sitting with friends and connecting about our days.
Raw almonds or other nuts paired with a banana and bottle of water. I say this because you can get it at any gas station, supermarket, or airport and it’s a quick, easy, and nutritionally balanced snack that will fuel you.
Italian – a divine homemade pasta with pesto, a mozzarella pizza, burrata and tomatoes with basil, and red wine. Red wine in a moderated dosage is vital for a good cardiac balance, if you rather prefer natural supplements try out Metabofix.
It started as an ebook in 2013 that I wrote for myself because there was nothing on the market that was like it. It’s based on 5 meals a day for 5 days of nutrient dense meals that will reduce cravings, help you lose weight and bloating, clear up your skin, and improve your immune system. The premise is to remove certain “bad” things while flooding your body with tasty, nutrient dense foods that are simple to cook. You can expect to see up to 10lb weight loss in 5 days that does stay off after the detox. It’s available in the iTunes app store and as a book.
I personally think juicing is great as a supplement for health, however I am not a fan of doing them as a cleanse. This is because I’ve seen too many people feel super restricted then binge or get some form of disordered eating post cleanse. When you cleanse with real food (such as my detox) you do not see these types of issues.
This was a follow up to the 5-Day Detox as I realized that people need to be set up for success all the time, not just for 5 days. So it’s a 4-week plan with shopping lists, information on superfoods, what to eat and not, as well as very easy-to-understand prepping instructions. The recipes are delicious, easy to make, and will help you see incredible results.
For example, in week one, it’s Soups and Smoothies to make it easy on you if you’ve never cooked. So you’ll start with one of the two smoothies, lunch is a salad that’s loaded with a variety of tastes and textures from raw to cooked ingredients, then dinner is a soup, such as my favorite Helga’s Thai Sweet Potato soup. There is a whole chapter on snacks from popcorn to bliss balls that you can have during the day as well.
Stop restricting! If you are not eating (healthy) carbs for example you are more likely to then binge on unhealthy carbs later. Balance is key and this is what I share through all my posts on IG.
I tend to workout in the morning because I’ll put it off later in the day normally, but lately in Bali I have been enjoying an afternoon run or sunset workout. I tend to do yoga, running, lifting, walking or hiking 5x a week.
nov 16 2013
Valg-update (dansk og English): Den landsdækkende mediedækning fortsætter, denne gang på radio
For English version, see below.
SIVE, København, 16. november, 2013 – Schiller Instituttets Venners (SIVE) kandidatliste får fortsat stor mediedækning her i kommunalvalgets sidste uge. Kandidat til borgmesterposten i København Tom Gillesberg blev interviewet to gange på den nationale radiostation 24/syv og to gange på Københavns Universitets radiostation. Under det første 24/syv interview var det bemærkelsesværdigt, at værten og alle de andre gæster offentligt anbefalede, at lytterne stemte på Tom. Værten havde skrevet en satirisk bagside-artikel i Ekstra Bladet under 2005-valget, hvor vores valgslogan var »Når Boblen brister: Et nyt Bretton Woods«. Han indrømmede, at han dengang havde gjort grin med Tom, men at Tom havde haft ret. Han sagde, at det var en skam, han ikke boede i København, fordi han så ikke kunne stemme på Tom. En anden deltager, en økonomiprofessor Ole Bjerre fra Copenhagen Business School, sagde, at han stemte på Tom, såvel som også et medlem af Piratpartiet, der sagde, at Tom var hans politiske inspiration, da han første gang læste vores avis for flere år siden, og at han også ville stemme på Tom.
Under det andet interview fik Tom 20 minutter til at tale om vores valgprogram. Han forklarede meningen bag vores slogans. Dernæst gav en af værterne en meget præcis beskrivelse af Glass-Steagall og sagde, at vores forrige slogan, »Glass-Steagall eller kaos«, var fantastisk for de mennesker, der vidste, hvad Glass-Steagall var. De spurgte, hvad maglev (svævebanetog) havde med Glass-Steagall at gøre. Det gav Tom mulighed for at bringe LaRouches synspunkt om forbindelsen mellem kreativitet og teknologisk og videnskabeligt fremskridt ind i debatten, og han opfordrede til, at man brød med den grønne ideologi og vendte tilbage til fremskridt.
Jyllands Posten har dækket Janus Kramers kampagne i Århus og optrykt og kommenteret Toms valgplakat.
En uhyrlig ting var, at DR2 havde inviteret Tom til at deltage i det meget sete debatprogram Deadline fredag aften. En anden vært inviterede ham dernæst til at deltage lige efter valget. På dagen for det første program fik Tom en besked, der sagde, at fordi han skulle deltage i et program efter valget, ville hans deltagelse i det første program blive aflyst. Tom har protesteret til programchefen over denne uretfærdighed, og han har bedt om, at der rådes bod på dette ved at invitere ham til at deltage før valget om tre dage. Deadline havde Tom på deres program lige efter valget i 2011.
Øvrige valgbegivenheder:
Vi har netop offentliggjort en dansk version af den 25 minutter lange tyske valgvideo, »En vision for fremtiden«.
I går aftes (fredag 15. november) havde vi et meget spændende valgmøde med omkring 40 fremmødte, herunder mange nye kontakter, både blandt danskere og udlændinge. Nogle havde mødt os på gaden, havde set vores hjemmeside efter at have set vores valgplakater, havde mødt os på et valgmøde for udenlandske studerende, eller var abonnenter, der aldrig tidligere var mødt frem til vores møder. Emnet var vores løsning på den økonomiske krise. Tom forklarede den aktuelle krise og vores løsning på den. Dernæst fremlagde de øvrige fire kandidater bevægende erklæringer om, hvorfor folk skulle engagere sig. Herefter fulgte en lang, passioneret debat, der dækkede alt fra klassisk musik og atomkraft, til hvad der skete med Glass/Steagall-loven, og hvordan man får unge mennesker fra en degenereret kultur til at tænke over disse dybere spørgsmål. Bagefter var der lange, livlige, individuelle diskussioner, og de fleste tog mange valgaviser med sig til uddeling. Hver eneste mødedeltager ønskede at bevare kontakten, og to af dem kommer med os ud på gaden.
Vi har også haft gadeaktioner, hvor vi har uddelt vores valgavis og mødt mennesker, der tænker på at stemme på os. En særlig aktion fandt sted i Aarhus, hvor Janus Kramer stod for et »Glass-Steagall eller ekstrem fattigdom«-s suppekøkken på gaden, hvor han uddelte fattigmands finanskrisesuppe. Der kom mange mennesker forbi på denne kolde dag for at få noget suppe og diskutere Janus’ løsninger, og de fleste tog vores valgavis med sig. Janus frigav opskriften på vores valghjemmeside, med tilføjelsen: »Serveres med Schiller Instituttets Valgavis og en kort briefing om verdens tilstand og hvad vi kan gøre ved det.«
Der er helt klart et voksende momentum for vores valgkampagne, og vi vil forsøge at få endnu flere gennembrud inden tirsdagens valg.
Bliv på denne kanal.[mr]
English version:
COPENHAGEN, Nov. 20, 2013 – The Friends of the Schiller election slate is continuing to get major press coverage during the last week of the municipal election campaign . Copenhagen mayoral candidate Tom Gillesberg was interviewed twice on the national radio station 24/seven, and twice on Copenhagen University’s radio station. During the first 24/seven interview, the remarkable thing was that the host, and all of the other guests publically recommended that the listeners vote for Tom. The host had written a satirical back page article in Ekstra Bladet during the 2005 campaign, where our slogan was “The Bubble will burst: A New Bretton Woods.” He admitted that he had made fun of Tom at that time, but that Tom had been right. He said that it was a shame that he didn’t live in Copenhagen, because he couldn’t vote for Tom. Another participant, an economics professor from the Copenhagen Business School, said that he was voting for Tom, as well as a member of the Pirate Party, who said that Tom was his political inspiration, when he first read our newspaper several years ago, and that he was also voting for Tom.
During the second interview, Tom had 20 minutes to speak about our campaign. He explained the meaning behind our campaign slogans. Then, one of the hosts gave a very precise description of Glass Steagall, and said that our last slogan, “Glass-Steagall or chaos,” was fantastic, for the people who knew what Glass Steagall was. They asked what maglev has to do with Glass Steagall. Tom was then able to bring in LaRouche’s view of the connection between creativity and technological and scientific progress in to the debate, and called for breaking with the green ideology, and returning to progress.
Jyllands-Posten has covered Janus Kramer’s campaign in Aarhus, and printed and commented on Tom’s election poster.
One outrageous thing is that a major TV station had invited Tom to be on their widely-watched news debate program on Friday night. Another host then invited him to be on just after the election. The day of the first appearance, Tom got a message stating that because he was going to be on after the election, that the first appearance would be cancelled. Tom has protested to the program’s leadership, saying that that was unjust, and asking them to make up for that by having him on before the election, now three days away. The same program had him on just after the election in 2011.
Other campaign developments:
We have just released a Danish version of the 25-minute German election video, “A vision for the Future.”
Last night, we had a very exciting meeting in Copenhagen, with about 40 people, including many new contacts, both Danes and foreigners. Some had met us on the street; looked at our homepage after seeing our posters; met us at an election meeting for foreign students; or subscribers who had never come to a meeting before. The subject was our solution to the economic crisis. Tom laid out the current crisis, and our solution. Afterwards, the other four Copenhagen candidates each made moving statements about why people should get involved. Then, a long, engaging debate ensued, which covered everything from classical music, to nuclear energy, to what happened to Glass-Steagall, to how to get young people who come from a degenerated culture to think about these deeper ideas. Afterwards, there were long animated private discussions, and most people took many newspapers to distribute. Every single person wanted to be in contact, and two are coming out on the street with us today.
We have also had street deployments, distributing our newspaper and meeting people who are considering voting for us. One special one was in Aarhus, where Janus Kramer had a “Glass-Steagall or extreme poverty” soup-kitchen on the street, handing out poor-man’s financial crisis soup. Many people came by, that cold day, to get soup and discuss Janus’ solutions, and most took our newspaper with them. Janus provided the recipe on our campaign homepage, adding, “Serve with The Schiller Institute’s newspaper, and a short briefing about the state of the world, and what we can do about it.”
There is definitely an accelerating momentum in our campaign, and we will try to make even more breakthroughs before Tuesday’s election day. Stay tuned. [mr_]