Finanssystemmet kollapser!

Følgende er fra Schiller Instituttets Venners hjemmeside fra folketingsvalgkampagne i 2007


Følg løbende kollapset af det internationale økonomiske system, med nyt fra Schiller Instituttet.

November 12: Danske Bank direktør Peter Straarup siger "finanssystemmet har fået en blodprop" til Berlingske Tidende den 11. november.

November 11: Schiller Instituttets nyhedsbrev Prometheus november:

November 11: Tom Gillesbergs foretræde tale


Follow the ongoing collapse of the international financial system in English from the LaRouche Political Action Committee and
Executive Intelligence Review:

November 9:  Asian-bankers-panic- as dollar-crashes from LaRouche PAC
November 8:  Financial-trainwreck: rear-wheels-also-fall off, from LaRouche PAC

November 7: The Dollar System Has Crashed: Will You Now Act To Save the Nation? from LaRouche PAC

November 7: Dollar Crash Went Completely Out of Control from LaRouche PAC

November 7: "Full-Blown' Financial Crisis" As Bond Insurers Face Wipeout from LaRouche PAC

November 7: "Fire Sale of Assets" Next Phase in Banking Crash from LaRouche PAC

November 7: Pomona, Ca City Council Becomes Third Legislative Body to Support HBPA from LaRouche PAC

November 6: Congressman Says $20 Trillion Mortgage Bubble Could Blow Up the System; LaRouche Says System Is Gone, Build a New One from LaRouche PAC

November 5: LaRouche: Those who attacked my forecasts are proven insane from the LaRouche Political Action Committee (LaRouche PAC)

November 5: Citigroup problem radiates through the financial system from LaRouche PAC

November 5: A chronology of the financial meltdown from LaRouche PAC

November 5: World's largest banks take hugh write-downs from LaRouche PAC


November 4: LaRouche on dollar collapse, Create a New Bretton Woods, End post-industrial society from LaRouche PAC


September 7: Debt is not an asset by John Hoefle from Executive Intelligence Review (EIR)